On this page, we give book references and such, along with links (if available) of books that can be downloaded as PDFs from various other websites. Please note that we do not host any of the PDFs, but merely indicate the locations where they can be downloaded from. Do let us know of broken links.


Simple bibliographic list of works related to Manipravala

Works on Manipravala literature

Vyākhyānas (commentaries)

Rahasyagranthas (theological treatises)

Guruparamparā literature

Useful websites

List of works

Bibliographic list

This is simply a list that I have compiled over a long period of time of the bibliographic references of the works (primary sources, secondary sources, including books and articles) that I have consulted and used over the years. Therefore, it includes works that are directly or indirectly relevant to Manipravala.

To know what these works are and where to download them, see below and Other/Śrīvaiṣṇava.

Works on Manipravala literature

Vyākhyānas ( commentaries)

Primary Sources (with or without traditional glosses or subcommentaries)



Rahasyagranthas (theological treatises)

Guruparamparā literature

Other books of interest

Useful websites

Links here